Writing Interpreters with Python part two. Writing the Parser
The next step in developing a programming language is the development of the Parser. The role of the Parser is to request tokens which are then matched to the Grammar of the parser matches the correct sequence of tokens the sequence of tokens is then accepted as correct and then stored as a Node in an abstract syntax tree. Here is an example of the Parser implementation for a small Lisp like language.
import ply.yacc as yacc
from Lexer import tokens
from Symboltable import Symboltable
from Ast import Node
table = Symboltable()
def p_plus(p):
#Parser rule for (+ term term)
'expr : opening plus term term closing'
p[0] = Node("exprterm",[p[3],p[4]],p[2])
def p_import_use(p):
#parser rule for importing std
'expr : opening use id closing'
p[0] = Node("use-module",[p[3],p[3]],"use-module")
def p_divide(p):
#Parser rule for ( \ term term)
'expr : opening divide term term closing'
p[0] = Node("exprterm",[p[3],p[4]],p[2])
def p_divideidid(p):
#Parser rule for ( \ id id)
'expr : opening divide id id closing'
id_one = "lookup {id_one}".format(id_one = p[3])
id_two = "lookup {id_two}".format(id_two = p[4])
p[0] = Node("exprid",[id_one,id_two],p[2])
def p_id_compare_term(p):
#Parser rule for logical compares of eg (< a 10)
#if a exists
'''expr : opening greaterthan id term closing
| opening greaterthan term id closing
| opening lessthan term id closing
| opening lessthan id term closing
| opening greaterthaneq id term closing
| opening lessthaneq id term closing
| opening greaterthaneq term id closing
if p[3] == "term":
look_up = "lookup {id_one}".format(id_one = p[4])
p[0] = Node("id_compare_term",[p[3] , look_up],p[2])
p[0] = Node("id_compare_term",[look_up, p[3] ],p[2])
def p_minus(p):
#Parser rule for (- term term )
'expr : opening minus term term closing'
p[0] = Node("exprterm",[p[3],p[4]],p[2])
def p_times(p):
#Parser rule for (* term term)
'expr : opening times term term closing'
p[0] = Node("exprterm",[p[3],p[4]],p[2])
def p_cos(p):
#Parser rule for ( cos term)
'expr : opening COS term closing'
p[0] = Node("exprterm",[p[3],p[3]],"cos")
def p_sin(p):
#Parser rule for (sin term)
'expr : opening SIN term closing'
p[0] = Node("exprterm",[p[3],p[3]],"sin")
def p_greaterthan(p):
#Parser rule for (> 100 200) = false
'expr : opening greaterthan term term closing'
p[0] = Node("exprterm",[p[3],p[4]],p[2])
def p_lessthan(p):
#Parser rule for (> 400 1)
'expr : opening lessthan term term closing'
p[0] = Node("exprterm",[p[3],p[4]],p[2])
def p_greaterthanequal(p):
'expr : opening greaterthaneq term term closing'
p[0] = Node("exprterm",[p[3],p[4]],p[2])
def p_lessthanequal(p):
'expr : opening lessthaneq term term closing'
p[0] = Node("exprterm",[p[3],p[4]],p[2])
def p_sqrt(p):
'expr : opening SQRT term closing'
p[0] = Node("exprterm",[p[4],p[4]],"sqrt")
def p_varplusvar(p):
'expr : opening plus id id closing'
id_one = "lookup {id_one}".format(id_one = p[3])
id_two = "lookup {id_two}".format(id_two = p[4])
p[0] = Node("exprid",[id_one,id_two],p[2])
def p_ifstatements(p):
'''expr : opening IF greaterthan term term plus term term plus term term closing
| opening IF greaterthan term term plus term term minus term term closing
| opening IF greaterthan term term plus term term times term term closing
| opening IF greaterthan term term plus term term divide term term closing
| opening IF greaterthan term term minus term term divide term term closing
| opening IF lessthan term term plus term term plus term term closing
| opening IF lessthan term term plus term term minus term term closing
| opening IF lessthan term term minus term term minus term term closing
| opening IF lessthan term term minus term term times term term closing
| opening IF lessthan term term plus term term times term term closing
| opening IF greaterthaneq term term plus term term plus term term closing
| opening IF greaterthaneq term term minus term term times term term closing
| opening IF greaterthaneq term term times term term times term term closing
| opening IF greaterthaneq term term minus term term minus term term closing
| opening IF lessthaneq term term plus term term plus term term closing
| opening IF lessthaneq term term plus term term minus term term closing
| opening IF lessthaneq term term minus term term minus term term closing
| opening IF lessthaneq term term times term term times term term closing
p[0] = Node("ifterm",[p[3],p[4],p[5],p[6],p[7],p[8],p[9],p[10],p[11]],"if")
def p_term_bin_id(p):
'''expr : opening plus id term closing
| opening minus id term closing
| opening times id term closing
| opening divide id term closing
| opening POW id term closing
id_one = "lookup {id_one}".format(id_one = p[3])
if p[2] == "pow":
p[0] = Node("idtermop",[id_one,p[4]],"^")
p[0] = Node("idtermop",[id_one,p[4]],p[2])
def p_term_plus_trig(p):
'''expr : opening plus term COS term closing
| opening plus term SIN term closing
| opening minus term SIN term closing
| opening times term SIN term closing
| opening times term COS term closing
| opening minus term COS term closing
| opening divide term SIN term closing
| opening divide term COS term closing
if p[2] == "+":
p[0] = Node("exprtrigterm",[p[3],p[4],p[5]],p[2])
if p[2] == "-":
p[0] = Node("exprtrgiterm",[p[3],p[4],p[5]],[2])
if p[2] == "*":
p[0] = Node("exprtrigterm",[p[3],p[4],p[5]],p[2])
if p[2] == "\\":
p[0] = Node("exprtrigterm",[p[3],p[4],p[5]],p[2])
def p_sin_id(p):
'expr : opening SIN id closing'
id_one = "lookup {id_one}".format(id_one = p[3])
p[0] = Node("exprid",[id_one,id_one],"sin")
def p_cos_id(p):
'expr : opening COS id closing'
id_one = "lookup {id_one}".format(id_one = p[3])
p[0] = Node("exprid",[id_one,id_one],"cos")
def p_define_if_greaterthan(p):
'''expr : opening DEFINE id IF greaterthan term term plus term term plus term term closing
| opening DEFINE id IF greaterthan term term plus term term minus term term closing
| opening DEFINE id IF greaterthan term term times term term plus term term closing
| opening DEFINE id IF greaterthan term term times term term times term term closing
| opening DEFINE id IF greaterthan term term minus term term minus term term closing
| opening DEFINE id IF lessthan term term plus term term plus term term closing
| opening DEFINE id IF lessthan term term plus term term minus term term closing
| opening DEFINE id IF lessthan term term plus term term times term term closing
| opening DEFINE id IF lessthan term term minus term term minus term term closing
| opening DEFINE id IF lessthan term term times term term times term term closing
| opening DEFINE id IF lessthaneq term term plus term term plus term term closing
| opening DEFINE id IF lessthaneq term term minus term term minus term term closing
| opening DEFINE id IF lessthaneq term term times term term times term term closing
| opening DEFINE id IF lessthaneq term term plus term term times term term closing
p[0] = Node("assignid",[p[3],[p[5],p[6],p[7]],[p[8],p[9],p[10]],[p[11],p[12],p[13]]],"=")
def p_factorial(p):
'expr : opening FAC term closing'
p[0] = Node("exprterm" ,[p[3] , p[3]],"!")
def p_factorial_variable(p):
'expr : opening FAC id closing'
lookup = "lookup {id_one}".format(id_one = p[3])
p[0] = Node("exprid",[lookup,lookup],"!")
def p_varminusvar(p):
'expr : opening minus id id closing'
id_one = "lookup {id_one}".format(id_one = p[3])
id_two = "lookup {id_two}".format(id_two = p[4])
p[0] = Node("exprid",[id_one,id_two],p[2])
def p_vartimesvar(p):
'expr : opening times id id closing'
id_one = "lookup {id_one}".format(id_one = p[3])
id_two = "lookup {id_two}".format(id_two = p[4])
p[0] = Node("exprid",[id_one,id_two],p[2])
def p_varlessthanvar(p):
'expr : opening lessthan id id closing'
id_one = "lookup {id_one}".format(id_one = p[3])
id_two = "lookup {id_two}".format(id_two =p[4])
p[0] = Node("exprid",[id_one,id_two],p[2])
def p_vargreaterthanvar(p):
'expr : opening greaterthan id id closing'
id_one = "lookup {id_one}".format(id_one = p[3])
id_two = "lookup {id_two}".format(id_two = p[4])
p[0] = Node("exprid",[id_one,id_two],p[2])
def p_varlessthaneqvar(p):
'expr : opening lessthaneq id id closing'
id_one = "lookup {id_one}".format(id_one = p[3])
id_two = "lookup {id_two)".format(id_two = p[4])
p[0] = Node("exprid",[id_one,id_two],p[2])
def p_term_op_id(p):
'''expr : opening plus term id closing
| opening minus term id closing
| opening times term id closing
| opening divide term id closing
id_one = "lookup {id_one}".format(id_one = p[4])
p[0] = Node("exprtermid",[p[3],id_one],p[2])
def p_vargreaterthanequalvar(p):
'expr : opening greaterthaneq id id closing'
id_one = "lookup {id_one}".format(id_one = p[3])
id_two = "lookup {id_two}".format(id_two = p[4])
p[0] = Node("exprid",[id_one,id_two],p[2])
def p_powvarvar(p):
# (pow id id) parser rule
'expr : opening POW id id closing'
id_one = "lookup {id_one}".format(id_one = p[3])
id_two = "lookup {id_two}".format(id_two = p[4])
p[0] = Node("exprid",[id_one,id_two],"^")
def p_define_varvar(p):
'''expr : opening DEFINE id IF greaterthan id id plus id id plus id id closing
| opening DEFINE id IF greaterthan id id minus id id plus id id closing
| opening DEFINE id IF greaterthan id id plus id id minus id id closing
| opening DEFINE id IF greaterthan id id times id id times id id closing
| opening DEFINE id IF greaterthan id id minus id id minus id id closing
| opening DEFINE id IF greaterthan id id plus id id divide id id closing
| opening DEFINE id IF greaterthan id id minus id id divide id id closing
| opening DEFINE id IF greaterthan id id times id id divide id id closing
| opening DEFINE id IF greaterthan id id divide id id divide id id closing
| opening DEFINE id IF lessthan id id plus id id plus id id closing
| opening DEFINE id IF lessthan id id minus id id plus id id closing
| opening DEFINE id IF lessthan id id times id id times id id closing
| opening DEFINE id IF lessthan id id plus id id minus id id closing
| opening DEFINE id IF lessthan id id plus id id times id id closing
| opening DEFINE id IF lessthan id id plus id id divide id id closing
| opening DEFINE id IF lessthan id id minus id id divide id id closing
| opening DEFINE id IF lessthan id id divide id id divide id id closing
| opening DEFINE id IF lessthan id id divide id id plus id id closing
| opening DEFINE id IF greaterthaneq id id plus id id plus id id closing
| opening DEFINE id IF greaterthaneq id id plus id id minus id id closing
| opening DEFINE id IF greaterthaneq id id minus id id minus id id closing
| opening DEFINE id IF greaterthaneq id id times id id times id id closing
| opening DEFINE id IF greaterthaneq id id times id id plus id id closing
| opening DEFINE id IF greaterthaneq id id plus id id divide id id closing
| opening DEFINE id IF greaterthaneq id id divide id id divide id id closing
| opening DEFINE id IF greaterthaneq id id divide id id minus id id closing
| opening DEFINE id IF greaterthaneq id id minus id id divide id id closing
| opening DEFINE id IF lessthaneq id id plus id id plus id id closing
| opening DEFINE id IF lessthaneq id id minus id id plus id id closing
| opening DEFINE id IF lessthaneq id id times id id times id id closing
| opening DEFINE id IF lessthaneq id id minus id id times id id closing
id_one = "lookup {id_one}".format(id_one = p[6])
id_two = "lookup {id_two}".format(id_two = p[7])
id_three = "lookup {id_three}".format(id_three =p[9])
id_four = "lookup {id_four}".format(id_four = p[10])
id_five = "lookup {id_five}".format(id_five = p[12])
id_six = "lookup {id_six}".format(id_six = p[13])
p[0] = Node("assignmentifid",[[p[5],id_one,id_two],[p[8],id_three,id_four],[p[11],id_five,id_six]],("=",p[3]))
def p_define_var(p):
'''expr : opening DEFINE id plus term term closing
| opening DEFINE id minus term term closing
| opening DEFINE id times term term closing
| opening DEFINE id divide term term closing
| opening DEFINE id greaterthan term term closing
| opening DEFINE id lessthan term term closing
| opening DEFINE id greaterthaneq term term closing
| opening DEFINE id lessthaneq term term closing
| opening DEFINE id POW term term closing
if p[4] == "+":
p[0] = Node("assignplus",[p[3],p[5],p[6]],p[4])
if p[4] == "-":
p[0] = Node("assignminus",[p[3],p[5],p[6]],p[4])
if p[4] == "*":
p[0] = Node("assigntimes",[p[3],p[5],p[6]],p[4])
if p[4] == "\\":
p[0] = Node("assigndiv",[p[3],p[5],p[6]],p[4])
if p[4] == ">":
p[0] = Node("assigngreater",[p[3],p[5],p[6]],p[4])
if p[4] == ">=":
p[0] = Node("assigngreatereq",[p[3],p[5],p[6]],p[4])
if p[4] == "<":
p[0] = Node("assignlessthan",[p[3],p[5],p[6]],p[4])
if p[4] == "<=":
p[0] = Node("assignlessthaneq",[p[3],p[5],p[6]],p[4])
if p[4] == "pow":
p[0] = Node("assignpower",[p[3],p[5],p[6]],"^")
def p_power_term(p):
#power rule (pow 2 2) = 4
'expr : opening POW term term closing'
p[0] = Node("exprterm",[p[3],p[4]],'^')
def p_list_term(p):
'''expr : opening LIST opening terms closing closing
| opening LIST opening term closing closing
p[0] = Node("list-terms",[p[4],p[4]],"list")
def p_list_op_define(p):
'''expr : opening DEFINE id FIRST LIST opening terms closing closing
| opening DEFINE id SECOND LIST opening terms closing closing
| opening DEFINE id THIRD LIST opening terms closing closing
| opening DEFINE id FOURTH LIST opening terms closing closing
| opening DEFINE id FIFTH LIST opening terms closing closing
| opening DEFINE id SIXTH LIST opening terms closing closing
| opening DEFINE id SEVENTH LIST opening terms closing closing
| opening DEFINE id EIGHTH LIST opening terms closing closing
| opening DEFINE id NINETH LIST opening terms closing closing
| opening DEFINE id TENTH LIST opening terms closing closing
p[0] = Node("list-define-op",[p[3],p[4],p[7]],"list")
def p_cons_two_lists(p):
'expr : opening CONS id id closing'
look_up_idone = "lookup {id_one}".format(id_one = p[3])
look_up_idtwo = "lookup {id_two}".format(id_two = p[4])
p[0] = Node("cons-id-list",[look_up_idone,look_up_idtwo],"cons-list-id")
def p_cons_terms(p):
'expr : opening CONS opening terms closing opening terms closing closing'
p[0] = Node("cons-terms" ,[p[4],p[7]],"cons")
def p_cons_list_define(p):
'expr : opening DEFINE id CONS opening terms closing opening terms closing closing'
p[0] = Node("cons-define",[p[3],p[6],p[9]],"cons-define")
def p_terms(p):
'''terms : term
| term term
| term term term
| term term term term
| term term term term term
| term term term term term term
| term term term term term term term
| term term term term term term term term
| term term term term term term term term term
| term term term term term term term term term term
p[0] = []
if p[1]:
if p[2]:
if p[3]:
if p[4]:
if p[5]:
if p[6]:
if p[7]:
if p[8]:
if p[9]:
if p[10]:
except Exception as e:
def p_lists(p):
'expr : opening DEFINE id LIST opening terms closing closing'
p[0] = Node("list-define",[p[3],p[4],p[6]],"[id]")
def p_list_variable_op(p):
'''expr : opening FIRST id closing
| opening SECOND id closing
| opening THIRD id closing
| opening FOURTH id closing
| opening FIFTH id closing
| opening SIXTH id closing
| opening SEVENTH id closing
| opening EIGHTH id closing
| opening NINETH id closing
| opening TENTH id closing
look_up = "lookup {id_one}".format(id_one = p[3])
p[0] = Node("list-id-op",[p[2],look_up],p[2])
def p_ops_string_list(p):
'''expr : opening FIRST LIST opening strings closing closing
| opening SECOND LIST opening strings closing closing
| opening THIRD LIST opening strings closing closing
| opening FOURTH LIST opening strings closing closing
| opening FIFTH LIST opening strings closing closing
| opening SIXTH LIST opening strings closing closing
| opening SEVENTH LIST opening strings closing closing
| opening EIGHTH LIST opening strings closing closing
| opening NINETH LIST opening strings closing closing
| opening TENTH LIST opening strings closing closing
p[0] = Node("string-list-op",[p[2],p[5]],p[2])
def p_define_string_list_op(p):
''' expr : opening DEFINE id FIRST LIST opening strings closing closing
| opening DEFINE id SECOND LIST opening strings closing closing
| opening DEFINE id THIRD LIST opening strings closing closing
| opening DEFINE id FOURTH LIST opening strings closing closing
| opening DEFINE id SIXTH LIST opening strings closing closing
| opening DEFINE id SEVENTH LIST opening strings closing closing
| opening DEFINE id EIGHTH LIST opening strings closing closing
| opening DEFINE id NINETH LIST opening strings closing closing
| opening DEFINE id TENTH LIST opening strings closing closing
p[0] = Node("define-string-list",[p[3],p[4],p[7]],"list")
def p_string_list(p):
'expr : opening LIST opening strings closing closing'
p[0] = Node("list-string-term",[p[4],p[4]],"list")
def p_define_string_list(p):
'expr : opening DEFINE id LIST opening strings closing closing'
p[0] = Node("string-list-define",[p[3],p[6]],"list")
def p_ops_list(p):
'''expr : opening FIRST LIST opening terms closing closing
| opening FIRST LIST opening term closing closing
| opening SECOND LIST opening terms closing closing
| opening THIRD LIST opening terms closing closing
| opening FIFTH LIST opening terms closing closing
| opening SIXTH LIST opening terms closing closing
| opening SEVENTH LIST opening terms closing closing
| opening EIGHTH LIST opening terms closing closing
| opening NINETH LIST opening terms closing closing
| opening TENTH LIST opening terms closing closing
p[0] = Node("list",[p[2],p[5]],p[2])
def p_string_terms(p):
'''strings : string
| string string
| string string string
| string string string string
| string string string string string
| string string string string string string
| string string string string string string string
| string string string string string string string string
| string string string string string string string string string
| string string string string string string string string string string
p[0] = []
if p[1]:
if p[2]:
if p[3]:
if p[4]:
if p[5]:
if p[6]:
if p[7]:
if p[8]:
if p[9]:
if p[10]:
except Exception as e:
def p_define_string(p):
'expr : opening DEFINE id string closing'
p[0] = Node("strdefine",[p[3],p[4]],"string")
def p_string(p):
'strs : string'
p[0] = p[1]
def p_term(p):
'term : integer'
p[0] = p[1]
def p_opening(p):
'open : opening'
p[0] = p[1]
def p_error(p):
print("syntax error")
def p_closing(p):
'close : closing'
p[0] = p[1]
def p_funcs(p):
'expr : opening DEFUNC id opening args closing expr closing'
p[0] = Node("function-define",[p[3],p[5],p[7]],"func")
def p_func_call(p):
'expr : opening id opening terms closing closing'
p[0] = Node("function-call",[p[2],p[4]],"function")
def p_args(p):
'''args : id
| id id
| id id id
| id id id id
| id id id id id
| id id id id id id id
| id id id id id id id id'''
p[0] = []
if p[1]:
if p[2]:
if p[3]:
if p[4]:
if p[5]:
if p[6]:
if p[7]:
if p[8]:
if p[9]:
if p[10]:
except Exception as e:
def p_intersection_set_lists(p):
'''expr : opening INTERSECTION SET opening terms closing SET opening terms closing closing
| opening INTERSECTION SET opening strings closing SET opening strings closing closing'''
p[0] = Node("intersection-two-set",[p[5],p[9]],"intersection-two-set")
def p_union_set_list(p):
'''expr : opening UNION SET opening terms closing SET opening terms closing closing
| opening UNION SET opening strings closing SET opening strings closing closing'''
p[0] = Node("union-two-set",[p[5],p[9]],"union-two-set")
def p_difference_set_list(p):
'''expr : opening DIFFERENCE SET opening terms closing SET opening terms closing closing
| opening DIFFERENCE SET opening strings closing SET opening strings closing closing'''
p[0] = Node("difference-two-set",[p[5],p[9]],"difference-two-sets")
def p_define_set_terms(p):
'''expr : opening DEFINE id SET opening terms closing closing
| opehen stored as a Node in an abstract syntax tree. Here is an example of the Parser implementation for a small Lisp like language.
parser = yacc.yacc()
An implemenation of the Abstract Syntax Tree for this programming language is just a simple tree structure.
class Node:
def __init__(self,op,child=None,leaf=None):
self.op = op
if child:
self.child = child
self.child = []
self.leaf = leaf
Written on March 29, 2023